Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Hand out unprepared Jesus dollars to the spectators. Call on one voulunteer to help you.We're looking at a Jesus dollar. It isn't real money, and you can't spend it, but it's still very valuable because of the message printed on it. It tells us about Jesus. The picture in the middle is what the artist thinks Jesus might have looked like, and all around are pictures from His life. On the right side is a picture of five biscuits and two fish, from the time Jesus fed 5000 people with that small amount of food. On the back side there are pictures showing that the Bible is a lamp for our feet, and a light for our path. Point out other features as appropriate for your audience.
Notice that right here it says "ONE DOOR", and it has Jesus' words saying "I am the way." I've actually cut a door in this one with Jesus in the middle of it. You see, this bill has two sides. The front side is printed in black ink. That's a reminder that this life ends in death. All of us are going to die some day. But the other side is printed in green ink. That reminds me of growing and living things, and makes me think of heaven where we'll never die.Of course, we all want to go to heaven when we die, but not everyone is going to go there. Jesus told his disciples that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. That's because people that go through their whole life looking ony for earthly riches never take the time to know Jesus, who is the doorway into heaven. Instruct your volunteer to hold the "door" with his left hand. Now, you're on the black side of the bill, which is this life. In order to get to the other side, you'd have to go through this tiny little door. That's almost like the camel going through the eye of a needle. You can't do it. But Jesus went on to say that "with God, all things are possible." He also called himself the good shepherd, and invited his followers to enter his fold. So we're going to make a few folds here to represent going into the fold of the shepherd. And when we do that (open the bill to the other side) we can see that we have actually passed through the door to the other side. Do you see what it says on this side of the door? "But God's gift is eternal LIFE through Jesus Christ." What is impossible for us to do is possible with God.

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